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Tag: typewriting


Feeling adventurous….Who dares to follow me down the rabbit hole?

Double Barrel Lover

Finally. My sweet readers, I thank you for your patience while I was ill for 3 weeks. I’m happy as a lark to finally have time to sit and type out all the work that has piled up in my notebook, and blessed to have the space to do so. #archivecoffeeandbar My deepest thanks to you all for humoring me since Day One. I know I say this a lot, but I must MUST emphasize that each and every one of you are a gift, and I am grateful for your support! Loves and more loves! ❤ Happy weekending! ❤

Writer’s Oasis

The beginning of a new chapter for #RhetoricalRedhead. I don’t believe in coincidence when things line up so perfectly, and when I begin meeting people I didn’t even know I needed on this journey. I have to take a step back, breathe, and tell myself, “Yes. This is happening.” And embrace it. On that note, I have waited for a year for Archive Coffee & Bar to open, for I desperately needed a place to host my creative mornings, afternoons, and evenings. They are doing something incredible here, and I’m honored to witness it. IMMENSE gratitude to you all at…

In Sickness and in Health

Mini Poetry: When the Time Comes

Hey guys! Quick survey! I made a “mini” of my poem from two days ago. Would this be something of interest for y’all if I started making minis of my longer poems and listing them on Etsy? Thanks in advance for the feedback! ❤ MUAH!

Blink Blink…

#WeGotOurselvesAKeeper Yeah. That actually happened hahaha. Any writers out there care to share a memorable *blink blink* moment? We’ve all had them. Of all kinds. What’s your (humiliating/brow-raising/infuriating/etc) experience? We all love a good story! #BlinkBlinkWriterMoment BEGINS! Whether you were on the receiving end or you’ve dished it out yourself, I would love to see what kind of hilarity will ensue! Cheers!

When the Time Comes

Pop Up Poetry: “Polar Bear on a Pogo Stick”

Surprise #PopUpPoetry moment…Struck up a conversation with a guy at a coffeeshop. Turns out he’s a writer too. He jokingly tossed out, “So you’d write about a polar bear on a pogo stick if I asked you to?” I laughed with him. But he wasn’t expecting me to actually deliver. Should’ve seen his face. So great chatting with you, Erick. Best of luck in your ventures! #ladyofmyword #neverbackdown#youvebeenwarned

Prince of Darkness

Forgot about this dark lil’ number I wrote a few months ago. (A poem request by a follower on how darkness reveals.)

Pop Up Poetry Begins!

Pop Up Poetry BeginsLast night I mustered up my beginner’s courage to host my first ever #PopUpPoetry night via Instagram. “Pop Up Poetry” is essentially “busking.” A busker is someone who entertains in a public place for donations. The idea is that I would set up a desk with my typewriter in any location I please (hence “pop up”) and will accept poetry requests from passerby, typea poem on the spot, read it aloud and hand it to them (for a hopeful donation, because, let’s be honest, we writers are poor). I have been toying with the idea for months, desiring to practice this winter and be ready to hit the streets LIVE come spring. So, with some wonderful encouragement from my friend and colleague, Eddie Cabbage, I set out to conquer the online poetry busking challenge. Starting at 6:00pmPST/9:00pmEST last night, I opened up the gates to accept original poem requests. As this was my first time doing “live requests” from the public, I selected, typed, and posted as many poem requests as I was able (I received over 50, wow!). I was able to create eight original pieces in a matter of a few hours, which wasn’t bad considering I’m fighting off the flu right now. I was overwhelmed and flattered by everyone’s responses; so many followers, friends, and strangers joined in to make the “event” such a fun interactive experience for everyone, which is EXACTLY what I was hoping for. Prompts and requests poured in and were rather eclectic, which made choosing just a handful really hard! Overall it was such a positive and fun experience, and I truly hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you to everyone who participated–this is always about YOU! Without you none of this awesomeness comes to life! All poems typed last night will be listed on my Etsy for purchase. I have included all the poems below, as well as some “practice” poems that Eddie threw my way in order to warm up my fingers, my creative juices, and to rev Ulrich’s mechanical engines (Ulrich is my WWII Hermes “Baby” Rocket typewriter on which I typed all these pieces). Thanks again and enjoy! —>>>

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