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Tag: rhetoricalredhead

The Birthright

An apology to men. But especially to my dear friend, Levi. I drafted this idea after a conversation we had some time ago…about how women today seem to be permanently poised on a pedestal. Men built that pedestal for women out of love and out of support for equality…but women (some, not all) have now assumed that *high-and-mighty* role and have forgotten how to love and respect our counterparts. Women hold such high expectations for men. No, chivalry isn’t dead…but a woman will castrate a man if he forgets that. Yet when a man wishes to have his gestures and words reciprocated, he is called a selfish, needy bastard. Ladies…love your men. Drop the double standard. You cannot hold impossible expectations for him while failing to reciprocate. It takes two, not one, and I will always side with him if you treat him otherwise and he chooses to walk. He has every right to be a prince if you dare to call yourself a princess. To men…friends and strangers alike…I apologize for my sex leaving you in the dust and using you as a scapegoat for its problems. You are beautiful and worthy and deserving of unadulterated, no-strings-attached love just as much as she is. We love you, we do. We just forgot that respect begets love begets respect. #lovepoetryformen #fuckhallmark #loveyourfellowman #loveistheanswer #love #respect
(Text of poem beneath image for ease of reading.)

What I Really Do…

#WhatIReallyDo Full-time writing isn’t always typing and musing…the admin work, website, Etsy, emails, etc, won’t manage themselves. 😉 What does your #WritersLife look like?

Polaroid Prose

#WriterProblems Love me or hate me, at least get to know me first….Whaddya say? 😉

Pop Up Poetry Event: Artists’ Reception at Broadway Coffeehouse

I had the pleasure of being invited to do #PopUpPoetry this Thursday for Broadway Coffeehouse‘s Artists’ Reception, featuring the Friday Artists (showing off their paintings and artwork currently displayed at Broadway) and Branches Company (a local acoustic musician).

This was my first live gig, and can I just say how how humbled and awed I am by how my city is welcoming me with open arms?! Thank you, Salem! It was incredible; the evening had a slow, laid-back pace (rather than the rapid pace I’m used to), but I was grateful for it–I had the opportunity to engage in deeper conversations with the people asking me for custom poetry. We laughed and networked and exchanged stories and business cards. Now this…this is what life should be about–being intentional and authentic with the people around you. Busking is hard, SO hard, but now that I know what I know…I don’t think I can stop. Thank you to everyone who made Thursday night such a wonderful evening for me and for supporting your local artists. Thank you to my dear, dear husband for being the best personal assistant! You made this night seamless for me! See y’all on the streets! (And a special thank you to Eddie Cabbage. I’m the luckiest jedi-in-training in the world!)

Images of Pop Up Poetry pieces are below!

Pop Up Poetry: “Fantasy of Absurdity”

First “Live” Pop Up Poetry Request

Well. I broke the ice. My very first “live” #PopUpPoetry request was for such a sweet, newly-engaged couple at @archivecoffeeandbar. She had just shared with him her long-time dream of being a florist, and I whipped this up to commemorate their new beginnings and exciting future. I was surprised and deeply humbled to receive not only a surprise donation for my spontaneous, impromptu gesture, but also tears of joy and a hug. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect First than this. ❤ Blessings upon you both, M & B; thank you for your kindness and the wonderful opportunity to…

Haiku #114

Managed to sneak in a handwritten haiku during the move on the only paper I could find… Writing will resume soon and I cannot wait to have my new writing corner! Woo!

Where to Go, What to Do

As of 8:05 a.m. this morning, I am a free agent. Floating. I have no base. No dock. No boundaries. No limits.

The company I worked for had lost two big clients in a matter of months, and I knew my part-time tech writer position was on the line since business was slow and the revenue had taken a hit. But it was still a shock to have my boss hand me my notice and final paycheck saying I could leave: “There’s no reason for you to stay.”

It was bittersweet. I liked working as a technical writer, and my employers were kind and genuine people who ran a tight ship. I respected them, which made this part even harder. But as I walked to my car, arms clasping the classic banker’s box filled with what meager items I owned at the office, I felt relief. Which excited and scared me at the same time. I felt guilty for being relieved…but guilt was soon mixed with a sense of freedom and adventure; I could finally chase what I have been dreaming of doing for years…I could finally pursue my writing with nothing, nor anyone, to hold me back.

Pop Up Poetry: Hopeless Romantic Child

Another #TipYourBartenderInPoetry for my dear friend Josh at @archivecoffeeandbar. ❤ An excellent prompt, Josh! So honored to have the chance to put a smile on your face! ☺ Cheers!

Quote by Marianne Williamson

What’s not to love about this poem by Marianne Williamson? What an encouraging and insightful piece of prose! I have this sitting on my writing desk for inspiration, and as a daily reminder of who I am and who He calls me to be, as a woman, as a friend, as a wife, and as a writer. As the year closes and a new one dawns, I draw upon this poem for what my goals and desires for this next year will look like. A new chapter is opening for me and my writing career; there is no room for…

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