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Tag: rhetorical redhead

The Alot of Scribbles

So. This is what happens when I procrastinate. I draw Alot of Scribbles. (Original artwork, TOP, is by the brilliant Allie Brosh and her blog, Hyperbole and a Half.)

Daily Haiku #46

Diction before friction, Romeo…

Hummingbird Heart (a poem)

Wake Up Calls & Coffee

Daily Haiku #3


This dream has been a long time coming. Years of contemplation, one decision, then months of hard work to build this blog from the ground up. I think every writer has a vision for how they imagine their work will turn out, but there is no guarantee; our own imaginations can surprise us and even our creation can have a mind of its own, resulting in something we never thought we were capable of. I am a sentimentalist and hopeless romantic by nature, but I find it awkward to reveal that side of myself most of the time. However, I…

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