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Tag: man

The Exception

Our Impossible Story

“Our Impossible Love” by #JessicaMurdoch the #RhetoricalRedhead. A snippet of our story.❤ On behalf of the day of St. Valentine…Love should be easy. But Love also requires some work. Love is not just an emotion, but also an action…a CHOICE…a daily effort to give yourself completely to another person without expecting anything in return. If you put forth the effort, and work hard to be partners in everything, it will be easy. If the effort isn’t there…love fades and resentment grows. Marriage is different than engagement is different than dating…it’s fascinating how a relationship can grow and deepen. We have experienced…

In Sickness and in Health

When the Time Comes

My Unconditional Lover

Home sick. Wake up. Cough. Shower. Cough. Groan. Stare at myself in the mirror and sigh because I know it’s going to be a long day. Wallow in self-pity. Walk into the kitchen to make breakfast…and find this waiting for me. #MyLifePoetic In seeing this gesture…I’m (duh) overwhelmed. But I’m also reminded of how quickly we forget that there are people who care for us deeply (I know I’m certainly guilty), especially when we aren’t looking. People who love us without limits or expectations, reminding us that it’s going to be okay. I pray we all see and recognize that kind…

Would You Stay If I Asked You To…

That Man, Mmm

An old one-liner I forgot about. It’s been said before, I’m sure (another reason I avoid one-liners), but it had to be said about him. ❤ Much love to you all. Thank you for hanging with me while I mourned the loss of my puppy. It was a LOT harder than I imagined. But stay tuned…the Rhetorical Redhead is gaining speed for some exciting writing projects. (A hint…almost done revamping my blog, and there’s some fun news simmering on the back burner for this upcoming winter, spring, AND summer.)

Daily Haiku #94

Daily Haiku #80

Matters of the Heart (Recollections Series)

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