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Tag: love poetry

Would You Stay If I Asked You To…

That Man, Mmm

An old one-liner I forgot about. It’s been said before, I’m sure (another reason I avoid one-liners), but it had to be said about him. ❤ Much love to you all. Thank you for hanging with me while I mourned the loss of my puppy. It was a LOT harder than I imagined. But stay tuned…the Rhetorical Redhead is gaining speed for some exciting writing projects. (A hint…almost done revamping my blog, and there’s some fun news simmering on the back burner for this upcoming winter, spring, AND summer.)

Haiku #109

I had the pleasure and honor of composing this haiku with the help of my dearest friend and colleague, @eddiecabbage.This pale canvas MuseColoring outside the linesPaint us whole again.

Hitchhiker Heart

Running amok like a crazy person preparing for a 5-day writing retreat this weekend! I have so much to say to each and every one of you lovelies, and I will post a personalized update soon! Happy Friday and Joyous Weekending!

My Forever Vow

Inspired by @matthewaubreymurphy‘s latest poem, the following is a mirror-response prose to this stunning soul of a writer (I intentionally mirrored his word choice and style because, well, duh, he’s brilliant–FOLLOW HIM. Do it. #peerpressure). I recommend reading his poem first before reading my response for it to make sense (naturally), so I posted it below. NOTE! I do NOT disagree that there is beauty to, and at times a necessity for, temporary love. I believe in the power of brief meetings, breathtaking moments with souls that are just as desperate and lost as we are, and within that tiny snapshot of life, they change us forever whether we realize it or not. But…guilty hopeless romantic here because, at the end of the day, I will always be an advocate for those Forever Loves because they truly exist! (Thank God.) And I would hate to ignore their intense value by only spotlighting the temporal. Matt and I have discussed this topic at length, and I am honored that he permitted me to write this in response to him. I’m in awe with this guy. He is one of the purest souls I have met while building this mess of a writing career I’m trying to get off the ground, and I’m blessed to call him my friend. This is for you, Matt. Because you deserve, we all deserve, a Forever Love with that one person who beautifies our messes and ruffles our obsession with perfection. Who gets us. Dedicated to all you long-term relationship peeps and fellow hopeless rom’s. Love to you all. #forever #love #versus #temporary #lovers

Happy Birthday, Mr. ——-

Happy Birthday…Mr. President… 😉 As requested by @eddiecabbage. I never turn down a challenge.  

Lover or Fighter?

Sunday Sailor

Parasitic Residue

When the pain is sometimes too real…

Haiku #108

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