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A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Albeit a bit delayed since I jumped on the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge at the last second (quite literally…I explain more in my previous post), but as my hiatus comes to a close, I present my finalized list of topics I will be writing about under my theme of “Poetry”–with each post accompanied by a related poem. I hope this whets your appetite–I know I’m definitely excited about discussing these topics with you guys! (And yes, haha, I’ll be playing a little catch up once my feet are back on home soil.) Thank you so much for reading along! On Poetry… A –…

Quick Update 04.10.2015

First things first: I simply want to thank you all for continuing to follow along on this writing journey of mine. But I also wanted to give you guys a quick update on my goings-on since I know I have ‘mysteriously disappeared’ for the week… Indeed, I am still participating in the A-to-Z Challenge for my blog. However, as briefly mentioned when I first blogged in the series, I signed up at the very last minute after some persuasion by another writer friend, and, in addition to being late to the party, the timing was very unfortunate as the challenge began…


Day 2 – “B” as in “Busking”

BDay 2 of the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge, and on to the letter “B.” Which, today, is for “Busking.” This word is not widely-known, and that’s perfectly understandable. I had no clue what busking was until this last year. It is a very archaic term–let’s shed some light on it with an education moment, brought to you by (of course) the letter B….

In the Oxford Dictionary, “busk” is defined as the following:

[to] play music or otherwise perform for voluntary donations in the street or in subways (Oxford Dictionary, 2015).

To simplify that and make it tangible, a busker is basically a street performer, selling their talent on the street for public donations. The Oxford Dictionary goes on to explain a little bit of the “busking” origin:

Busking used to take place not in shopping centres but at sea. The word busk comes from Italian buscare or Spanish buscar, which both mean ‘to seek’. Its earliest use in English was in the nautical sense ‘cruise about, tack’. This became extended to mean ‘go about selling things’, and then, in the middle of the 19th century, ‘go about performing’ (Oxford Dictionary, 2015).

While that’s all fine and dandy, you’re probably wondering what busking has to do with my blog challenge theme of Poetry. And that’s fair. But what many people don’t know about me is that busking has everything to do with Poetry if you’re in my little corner of the world, and that is precisely what I wish to share with you in this post.


Day 1 – “A” as in “Alpha”

AAs per some persuasion by a dear friend and colleague, I have signed up to take on the A-to-Z Challenge for the month of April. Since I hurriedly signed up this evening with mere hours to spare, I feel prompted to use the only theme that immediately came to mind: Poetry…for National Poetry Month, but also because, for some bizarre reason, my genre of poetry writing has taken off these last few months and it has manifested itself in the most wonderful ways (which will be explained in a later post).

On that note, for Day 1 of this Challenge, I am using “Alpha” for my “A” post. It is no coincidence, I think, that exactly one year ago today, I embarked on the best journey of my life–April 1st, 2014 was the day I quit my full-time job to pursue my writing career. It was my beginning. My true genesis. My Alpha. And looking back over the last 12 months, I can see a series of tiny yet significant events that led up to this very anniversary, and I am now pursuing poetry (surprisingly, out of all the genres I love to write) more than ever because of that precise series of events. It all feels so surreal and crazy, but I have never felt more alive nor more at peace with myself and my life than I do now.

My Mantra

My mantra. My life is never as fulfilling as when I follow these three, simple guidelines. #BeIntentional in all that you do, in all that you say, and with every person you know or meet. Step out of your comfort zone, if need be, but reach out and actually mean it when you ask, “How are you doing?” and be willing to listen to the real response. Ask questions and smile; people can sense you actually care and it will lift them up and brighten their day in such beautiful ways. #BeAuthentic at all times; people know when you are…

Pop Up Poetry: “Family”

I never turn down anyone. I love you people. All of you. Come…talk with me. Tell me your story; I want to hear it. And, if I may, I will memorialize it for you because your life is just as beautiful as the next. Lovely meeting this little family of three–mom, dad, and 3-month-old Vincenzo. Hope to see you guys in Portland sometime!

Our Impossible Story

“Our Impossible Love” by #JessicaMurdoch the #RhetoricalRedhead. A snippet of our story.❤ On behalf of the day of St. Valentine…Love should be easy. But Love also requires some work. Love is not just an emotion, but also an action…a CHOICE…a daily effort to give yourself completely to another person without expecting anything in return. If you put forth the effort, and work hard to be partners in everything, it will be easy. If the effort isn’t there…love fades and resentment grows. Marriage is different than engagement is different than dating…it’s fascinating how a relationship can grow and deepen. We have experienced…

Simple Math

Life is alive. And it has never felt so good to breathe it in. Blog post to come soon on this very topic. ❤

Love Leans In

Chronic fatigue has led me to this conclusion, darling. ❤ Your truth is worth every moment spent in my level of hell.

Pop Up Poetry: “Fantasy of Absurdity”

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