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Month: December 2014

Haiku #113

Long time no see! I forgot how much I missed doing my daily haikus…such good calligraphy practice and good mental discipline. Here’s a little inspiration and encouragement for all you writers and non-writers alike! Have a lovely weekend!

Books, Books, Books

I’m going away. (Well. For like, 5 days. On vacation. Even though I’m sick. #irony But I’ll be back.) And I’m taking these with me. (In hindsight, I probably will have to ditch 3 or 5 of these due to minimal packing space. But you’d better believe that if I had Mary Fucking Poppin’s purse, I’d bring ’em all, baby.#nobookleftbehind) Which brings me to my question for YOU! If you had to go somewhere and could only bring ONE book with you, what would you choose? (I shall permit 2, for those who struggle, because, let’s be honest, that’s just…

Prince of Darkness

Forgot about this dark lil’ number I wrote a few months ago. (A poem request by a follower on how darkness reveals.)

My Unconditional Lover

Home sick. Wake up. Cough. Shower. Cough. Groan. Stare at myself in the mirror and sigh because I know it’s going to be a long day. Wallow in self-pity. Walk into the kitchen to make breakfast…and find this waiting for me. #MyLifePoetic In seeing this gesture…I’m (duh) overwhelmed. But I’m also reminded of how quickly we forget that there are people who care for us deeply (I know I’m certainly guilty), especially when we aren’t looking. People who love us without limits or expectations, reminding us that it’s going to be okay. I pray we all see and recognize that kind…

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