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Month: July 2014

Daily Haiku #87

It’s been a long week….(Say it. Aloud. In public. Do it. You know you want to.)

One Cancelled Second Date

An Office Tale

Storytime. Boss goes to Lowe’s. Finds canvas print in clearance bin for $1.57. Buys it for me. Doesn’t remove the price tag. Returns to office. Hands it to me. I laugh and thank him for his immense generosity. We hang it up on the wall. We stand back and look at it………….I break the silence, “Soooo, I’m not sure how to handle the fact that you basically bought me a metaphor of my life. And then hung it up for me to stare at every day while I’m here in this place….Not really sure what kind of message you’re trying…

The Kids Aren’t Alright

Epiphany (I’ve Missed You, Recollections Series)

The Last Piece

Daily Haiku #86

There’s humility and beauty in paying it forward without expecting or desiring recognition.

Daily Haiku #85

No joke. My brain composes 5-7-5 sentences in my thought processes now. STOP IT. Brain, I can’t communicate like that. People think I’m mental. You’re fired.

Plato on the Arts

If I hadn’t chosen English/Writing/Lit as my focus in college, I would have committed myself wholly and completely to the study of Music. There is such untapped power and knowledge in music and in the arts. I have found them hiding at the very core of Love and Joy and Adventure. And what kind of unfulfilled life would this be, if not comprised of those three?

Oh, the Possibilities…

Poetry prompt given by @eddiecabbage; thank you for always keeping me on my toes, my friend.

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