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Month: May 2014

Daily Haiku #21

I Suck At Saying “Thanks”

I’ve been working on my inability to take compliments well.

I shy away from being the center of attention; I don’t like having all eyes on me. (Irony that I’m a blogger on the worldwide net? Naaah. I have my computer to hide behind, mwuahaha!)

By the suggestion of many friends, and with some firm nudging from my closest amigos, I am learning the phrase, “Thank you.” Just like that. Simply “thank you.” Not the phrase, “Oh-well-no-not-really-excusesexcusesexcuses-blahblah-annoying-runaround-to-get-myself-out-of-the-compliment-no-just-shut-up-Jess—(gasp!)—BUT THANK YOU!” *smile* (ding!)

Yeah. I do that. A lot.

Daily Haiku #20

Guest Haiku by Brian Garland

My first guest post, brought to you by the incredibly talented Brian Garland. Long-time friend and colleague of mine, Brian is a singer/songwriter located in our stunning Willamette Valley. You can find more of his own acoustic work on SoundCloud, or find his rock band (Gnosis) on Facebook (keep an eye out for concert info!).

Daily Haiku #19

Addiction (a poem)

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