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Tag: true love

Remember to Breathe

Breakups are hard. There is no way around it but through it. There’s no Easy button…no shortcut to healing. It requires lots of time afterward to rebuild what was broken, and lots of self-love and reflection to remember your own worth. You are beautiful. You are worth fighting for. You are worth waiting for. You are worthy of respect and admiration. And most importantly, you are worthy of a grand Love that overcomes all else. You deserve love just as much as anyone else, and you owe it to yourself to accept only the most powerful kind of Love that…

Pop Up Poetry: Hopeless Romantic Child

Another #TipYourBartenderInPoetry for my dear friend Josh at @archivecoffeeandbar. ❤ An excellent prompt, Josh! So honored to have the chance to put a smile on your face! ☺ Cheers!

When the Time Comes

True 20/20

Late night musings and conversations. Because beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. ❤ And he be-holdin’!

Lover or Fighter? (a poem, handwritten)

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