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Tag: qotd

My Mantra

My mantra. My life is never as fulfilling as when I follow these three, simple guidelines. #BeIntentional in all that you do, in all that you say, and with every person you know or meet. Step out of your comfort zone, if need be, but reach out and actually mean it when you ask, “How are you doing?” and be willing to listen to the real response. Ask questions and smile; people can sense you actually care and it will lift them up and brighten their day in such beautiful ways. #BeAuthentic at all times; people know when you are…

The Legacy

*Text of the poem typed below the image for ease of reading.* On finding my voice. It’s not easy making my voice heard as a woman writer. It’s just the cold, hard truth. Which means I just push myself harder to be the best at my craft. No excuses. I play Words like I play Sports; no pain, no gain, and never ever leave your heart on the bench. I encourage you all to be secure in your identity, whether you’re a writer or not, and to chase after your calling, your passions and dreams, without ever holding back. Who are you? What makes you *you*? And what mark do you wish to leave upon the world? Ignore expectations and stereotypes; dig deep and ask yourself the tough questions. It’s enlightening and liberating to take the time to sit and write your own self-declaration of who you are. What will YOUR legacy be?

The Legacy

Mystery (Recollections Series)

Plato on the Arts

If I hadn’t chosen English/Writing/Lit as my focus in college, I would have committed myself wholly and completely to the study of Music. There is such untapped power and knowledge in music and in the arts. I have found them hiding at the very core of Love and Joy and Adventure. And what kind of unfulfilled life would this be, if not comprised of those three?

Quote by Frederick Buechner

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