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Tag: on writing

A Rhetorical Update

An update for you, my dear reader: I know it’s easy to see that #PopUpPoetry takes up a LOT of my time (it does…my IG gallery reflects that blatantly, as does my gap in WordPress posts). But that’s not to say I don’t continue to work on other things. It has actually been very hard to resist posting my more personal pieces as of late–because, firstly, people plagiarize FAR too much on the internet for my liking and I can’t afford to be plagiarized because, secondly, I am saving my work to submit for publication. It’s a slow and arduous…

Quote: Gustave Flaubert

Flaubert understood what it meant to be an artist. The definition of a “Creative” has changed drastically since his time…and I’m not too thrilled about it. Good literature is and isn’t dead. #borninthewrongera #beorderly #beoriginal #checkyourself (Handwritten piece by yours truly.)

Simple Math

Life is alive. And it has never felt so good to breathe it in. Blog post to come soon on this very topic. ❤

Letters to a Friend: On Writing

Can I get an “AMEN”?! #andperhapsahallelujahThere you go, boys. Eat your heart out. ❤ @melodramatic.fool @eddiecabbage #LettersToAFriendSeries

The Legacy

*Text of the poem typed below the image for ease of reading.* On finding my voice. It’s not easy making my voice heard as a woman writer. It’s just the cold, hard truth. Which means I just push myself harder to be the best at my craft. No excuses. I play Words like I play Sports; no pain, no gain, and never ever leave your heart on the bench. I encourage you all to be secure in your identity, whether you’re a writer or not, and to chase after your calling, your passions and dreams, without ever holding back. Who are you? What makes you *you*? And what mark do you wish to leave upon the world? Ignore expectations and stereotypes; dig deep and ask yourself the tough questions. It’s enlightening and liberating to take the time to sit and write your own self-declaration of who you are. What will YOUR legacy be?

The Legacy

Fall Writing Conferences 2014

Quick update! I swear I haven’t checked out! I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to attend a few writing conferences these past few weeks and I pounced at the chance to learn more about this ever-changing market. Sounds boring, sure, but I cannot recommend them enough for both novice and seasoned writers alike! You basically have an open forum to ask experienced authors/editors/agents/publishers any and all questions, and do some killer networking. You cannot put a price tag on that kind of exposure and education. So go forth and research writing conferences/workshops in your region! Well worth your time and money.…


Wrote this while wallowing in an especially snarky mood. Tucked it away. Forgot about it. Found it. Decided it wasn’t complete and utter shit. Also because I still feel as strongly about the topic (in a personal sense). Posting.

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