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Tag: on love

The Birthright

An apology to men. But especially to my dear friend, Levi. I drafted this idea after a conversation we had some time ago…about how women today seem to be permanently poised on a pedestal. Men built that pedestal for women out of love and out of support for equality…but women (some, not all) have now assumed that *high-and-mighty* role and have forgotten how to love and respect our counterparts. Women hold such high expectations for men. No, chivalry isn’t dead…but a woman will castrate a man if he forgets that. Yet when a man wishes to have his gestures and words reciprocated, he is called a selfish, needy bastard. Ladies…love your men. Drop the double standard. You cannot hold impossible expectations for him while failing to reciprocate. It takes two, not one, and I will always side with him if you treat him otherwise and he chooses to walk. He has every right to be a prince if you dare to call yourself a princess. To men…friends and strangers alike…I apologize for my sex leaving you in the dust and using you as a scapegoat for its problems. You are beautiful and worthy and deserving of unadulterated, no-strings-attached love just as much as she is. We love you, we do. We just forgot that respect begets love begets respect. #lovepoetryformen #fuckhallmark #loveyourfellowman #loveistheanswer #love #respect
(Text of poem beneath image for ease of reading.)

Love’s Recipe

Always and eternally her “chickadee.” How I miss her…

My Forever Vow

Inspired by @matthewaubreymurphy‘s latest poem, the following is a mirror-response prose to this stunning soul of a writer (I intentionally mirrored his word choice and style because, well, duh, he’s brilliant–FOLLOW HIM. Do it. #peerpressure). I recommend reading his poem first before reading my response for it to make sense (naturally), so I posted it below. NOTE! I do NOT disagree that there is beauty to, and at times a necessity for, temporary love. I believe in the power of brief meetings, breathtaking moments with souls that are just as desperate and lost as we are, and within that tiny snapshot of life, they change us forever whether we realize it or not. But…guilty hopeless romantic here because, at the end of the day, I will always be an advocate for those Forever Loves because they truly exist! (Thank God.) And I would hate to ignore their intense value by only spotlighting the temporal. Matt and I have discussed this topic at length, and I am honored that he permitted me to write this in response to him. I’m in awe with this guy. He is one of the purest souls I have met while building this mess of a writing career I’m trying to get off the ground, and I’m blessed to call him my friend. This is for you, Matt. Because you deserve, we all deserve, a Forever Love with that one person who beautifies our messes and ruffles our obsession with perfection. Who gets us. Dedicated to all you long-term relationship peeps and fellow hopeless rom’s. Love to you all. #forever #love #versus #temporary #lovers

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