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Tag: friend

Pop Up Poetry – Valentine’s Weekend 2016

Saturday, February 13th Brooks Winery, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Poetry is “on the house” this Saturday, courtesy of the amazing Brooks Winery! Come to their gorgeous tasting room for some exquisite wine flights, a phenomenal view, and excellent conversation. Ask me to type up a poem on my vintage typewriter for you, or as a gift to someone! Give a subject; get a poem. It’s that easy. And what pairs better than wine and poetry? Donations accepted, and don’t forget to tip your server! See you there! Sunday, February 14th Broadway Coffeehouse, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. As a teaser…

Remember (Letters to a Friend Series)

The Birthright

An apology to men. But especially to my dear friend, Levi. I drafted this idea after a conversation we had some time ago…about how women today seem to be permanently poised on a pedestal. Men built that pedestal for women out of love and out of support for equality…but women (some, not all) have now assumed that *high-and-mighty* role and have forgotten how to love and respect our counterparts. Women hold such high expectations for men. No, chivalry isn’t dead…but a woman will castrate a man if he forgets that. Yet when a man wishes to have his gestures and words reciprocated, he is called a selfish, needy bastard. Ladies…love your men. Drop the double standard. You cannot hold impossible expectations for him while failing to reciprocate. It takes two, not one, and I will always side with him if you treat him otherwise and he chooses to walk. He has every right to be a prince if you dare to call yourself a princess. To men…friends and strangers alike…I apologize for my sex leaving you in the dust and using you as a scapegoat for its problems. You are beautiful and worthy and deserving of unadulterated, no-strings-attached love just as much as she is. We love you, we do. We just forgot that respect begets love begets respect. #lovepoetryformen #fuckhallmark #loveyourfellowman #loveistheanswer #love #respect
(Text of poem beneath image for ease of reading.)

I Love Mail

I love mail. No…not like I love chocolate. Or puppies. Love as in I FRICKIN’ LOVE CELLISTS! Thats how much I love getting mail. 🎻 #sodamnsexy Period. And when #TheGodfatherOfInstagram delivers, boy does he deliver. I’m a spoiled writer and I have no problem pimping your work, @eddiecabbage. This man is the real deal. Love you, buddy. Give him a follow and a good time for me. He deserves it more than anybody else. #slothlove #ipimpyoupimpwepimp #ermahgerd #makingitrain #poems and #wordporn

On Ranting (Recollections Series)

When a friend tries to apologize for ranting…you respond in the only way any kind, caring, and understanding friend would…with humor and a slap on the back. #TuesdayBruiseDay #SlapsAreGoodForYou #SoIsVenting #ExfoliateTheSoul #MyLifePoetic

The Eulogy

“The Eulogy”…a letter to my 14-year-old coonhound puppy to whom I have to say goodbye tomorrow. Not really poetry…but every word is from the very depths of my mourning soul. And I know I’m not the only one to lament and weep over the loss of a beloved dog. (Signed and postdated for tomorrow as well, because I already know I won’t be able to do so after the fact.) This has been the hardest week of my life…I still stand by my belief that it is more difficult to lose a pet than it is to lose a person.…

Supporting Writers Sunday: Eddie Cabbage

On Eddie Cabbage: The Rhetorical Truth from the Rhetorical Redhead

Eddie Cabbage, the TruthI dubbed @eddiecabbage” #TheGodfatherOfInstagram” a long time ago as a joke. But soon, our inside joke became quite a fitting name…and so it stuck. I have been fortunate to have Eddie as a friend and colleague for the past eight months, and he has taught me so much about myself, my writing process, the joys and evils of Instagram, and the rapidly-changing writer-world we live in. I’ve witnessed so many other writers praising Eddie for his honesty and Truth-seeking journey, while other writers verbally gang rape him both publicly and behind his back. It’s a funny culture we live in, where immediate gratification is celebrated and constructive criticism is damned; Eddie holds no shame in calling writers out when plagiarizing or proving “two-faced”–in short, he holds the Instagram writing community accountable. And honestly, you can’t argue with his logic. I’ve noted that most people who hate and/or verbally bash Eddie just don’t “get it.” And by “it,” I mean The Big Picture. Sure, earlier on in our friendship I questioned if I should be backing this unfiltered, no-muss no-fuss, fearless, outwardly raw, and brutally honest writer. Sometimes his blunt nature shocked me and/or made me feel uncomfortable…but he was always right. His intentions were always pure and his points were always valid. So when I questioned his motives or his actions, I found him guilty of nothing other than being truthful and open in a society that thrives off manipulative personas and false/instant success.

Haiku #108

Daily Haiku #2

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