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Tag: animals

“Poetry Has a New Name”

 “Salem’s art scene is untapped. Portland—forget about it. It’s like elbowing into a crowded sardine can. But not here. This is a river you can leap into, and create a great literary scene.” Henry Hughes, in an interview with the Salem Weekly Click here to read my recent article in the Salem Weekly‘s Art section, discussing our local poetry community. The article weaves through an insightful interview with the ever gracious poet and author, Henry Hughes, who has just released a new collection of poetry, Bunch of Animals, as well as a memoir, Back Seat with Fish. Hughes’ writing continues to capture his ongoing love affair with fishing,…

Life & Death

What do you do when your mama calls you to say your puppy is not doing well and that it might be “time”? You drive over, play with the dogs and give copious amounts of love, tuck them into bed, then console each other over tea and brownies and typewriter *dings* and stories of youth and old age and living and dying. It never gets easier with our pets, does it? I think it’s harder to lose a pup than it is to lose a person. It’s the quiet way that they live and die and leave their pawprints on…

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