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My Unconditional Lover

Home sick. Wake up. Cough. Shower. Cough. Groan. Stare at myself in the mirror and sigh because I know it’s going to be a long day. Wallow in self-pity. Walk into the kitchen to make breakfast…and find this waiting for me. #MyLifePoetic In seeing this gesture…I’m (duh) overwhelmed. But I’m also reminded of how quickly we forget that there are people who care for us deeply (I know I’m certainly guilty), especially when we aren’t looking. People who love us without limits or expectations, reminding us that it’s going to be okay. I pray we all see and recognize that kind of unconditional love…in our friends, in our family, in our lovers. We are ALL worth loving. And we are greatly loved by those who matter most. Never forget that. ❤ Have a wonderful day, my dears. Love to you all.

My Unconditional Lover

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